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Thursday, January 30, 2014

AppSec California 2014 an off-the-charts success

Surf, Sand, Security! Over 250 people got together at the Annenberg Community Beach House and discussed security on the shores of Santa Monica, California. An All-Star cast of speakers spent two days sharing their knowledge with conference attendees and each other in between breaks looking at the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean and volleyball players on the sands adjacent to the conference. A more perfect setting would have been hard to imagine.

Video recordings of the 2-day event will be posted next week.

Plans are already under way for AppSec California 2015 at the same location.

OWASP Back in San Francisco during RSA

Jim Manico and Eoin Keary will be offering a free boot camp training on Monday, February 24, 2pm - 5pm, at Jillian's, across the street from the Mascone Center. "This intensive boot camp focuses on the most common web application security problems, including aspects of both the OWASP Top Ten and the MITRE Top 25. The course will introduce and demonstrate application assessment techniques, illustrating how application vulnerabilities can be exploited so students really understand how to avoid introducing such vulnerabilities in their code and understand fixes.

This is great news, as OWASP had earlier pulled out of RSA and cancelled their co-marketing agreement with the RSA Conference.