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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Very mixed day: Obama Notifies of Intent to Veto CISPA, but Gun Control Dies

The suspense is over as Obama actually stands tall again, in defense of Americans' privacy. No get out of jail free card for the corporations who want to share private data. Back to the drawing board for Congress. Can they ever get it right? We all know what is needed, but Congress is just too busy trying to manage all that lobbyist money. It's a lot to keep track of! I applaud the efforts of the ACLU in keeping the pressure on Obama; he actually used some of their language in his statements.

However, what is the deal with this lack of responsible gun control? We're not talking about taking guns away from anyone, except possibly those who are so screwed up as to fail a reasonable background check. Now, wouldn't we want this to occur? This one has the major support of the majority of Americans, but the NRA is way out of bounds here. It's almost too absurd and blatant to believe. I don't need to hear another person screaming "guns don't kill people, people do"! Some people should not have the guns that kill people.

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